Sister Joan Marie Sasse
 Sisters of Saint Benedict
12710 Blue Mountain Court
Grand Terrace, Ca.92313

Greetings from Sr. Joanie

Over the past several years, our lives have been significantly impacted by the
Coronavirus. In addition to losing our sense of security and our livelihood, many of us have lost dear friends or family members. We have felt grief, fear, and confusion. It takes time to heal wounds, and it also takes faith that we will pass through these challenging times. We can move from being a victim to being a powerful beacon in the darkness. 

Our kindness is a powerful light. The more we extend it, and the more we share it, the brighter it becomes. We can, and we will, illuminate the darkness and create an energy that is so vibrant that it changes the environment. 

During these confusing times, be bold in your love and constant in your faith. Together we will pass through the darkness and these challenging times.

I am now offering a retreat on Saturdays at Grand Terrace, from 10am to 1:30pm.
Reservations are required. Additionally, on the 3rd Saturday of each month I will be giving a retreat at St. Lucy’s Priory in Glendora. The time is also from 10am to 1:30pm. Coffee and water and snacks will be provided, but we ask you to please bring a sack lunch. A “Love Offering” is appreciated for all retreats. Make checks payable to St. Lucy’s Priory. We do not accept credit cards, only cash or checks.

For more information, or for reservations, please call 909-783-4121 (land line) or text 626-210-9017 (cell) or Email me at sisterbutterfly

When we come together, we empower each other.

May you be blessed in abundance, 
Sr. Joan Marie Sasse O.S.B.


All donations are tax deductible.
Please make checks payable to
St. Lucy’s Priory

August Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Recently, many of you have requested to have a private session with me rather than come together as a group. Please know that I am open to accommodate your needs. Give me a call 909.783.4121 ( landline - no text) or email me at to set up a time that is convenient for you. I will continue to offer the group retreats or individual session upon request.
In the meantime remember that your thoughts create. Focus on you gifts rather than your fears.

God Bless,
Sister Joanie.

  (I have a retreat in Glendora on the 3rd Saturday of the month)

Time: 10am -2pm  

Donation: Love offering appreciated. Lunch provided at Grand Terrace

Location: 12710 Blue Mountain Court, Grand Terrace 92313

Presenter: Sr. Joan Marie Sasse O.S.B.

Reservations: Call 909-783-4121 (no text) or E-mail:

Sister Joan Marie recently gave a talk for WORDNET PRODUCTIONS TRUTH TALKS on FACEBOOK, entitled, “I Am the Light of Christ”. It is also available on You Tube ,entitled, “Using the Light of Christ for Self and Others”.


Monday        9:30am to 12:pm - Volunteer Labyrinth Workers 

                      4 to 5pm - Distant Healing Prayer Group 
                    (you may join on line)

Tuesday       4 to 6pm - Private Study Group 

Wed.             5 to 6pm - Private Support Group 

Saturday     10am to 2pm - Mini Retreat 

Locations for Retreats:

12710 Blue Mountain Court
Grand Terrace, CA 92313
**For directions, use Google Maps and type in Sister Joan Marie Sasse

St. Lucy’s Priory
19045 East Sierra Madre Ave.
Glendora, CA 91741
**If getting directions from your GPS, use the address 655 W Sierra Madre Ave